A Guide to Publishing: Tips for Publishing Books, Articles, Fiction, Blogs and Self-Publishing

https://www.amazon.com/Guide-Publishing-Articles-Fiction-Self-Publishing/dp/1717083536 https://www.amazon.com/Guide-Publishing-Articles-Fiction-Self-Publishing/dp/1717083536

For the last few years I have been gathering together tips, advice and how-to’s on publishing. My idea was to collate all the information I could find in one place so that I could have a personal one-stop shop when trying to publish a book, article or blog post. I was tired of hunting through hundreds of websites to get the information I needed, only to come across dead-ends or really long explanations that weren’t in the end, very helpful.

In particular, I wanted something short and accessible that I could read through in a few minutes and keep all the points in my head, ready to start working on self-publishing something new. Over the years I have learnt a lot about what works and what doesn’t, and I’m convinced that spending the time preparing a strategy before publishing anything is the way to go. Knowing your audience, knowing the costs involves, knowing how long it will take to finish the project and knowing key social media marketing strategies are essential.

My idea was to create a short pamphlet-style, dot-point guide on publishing, from blogs and articles to fiction and non-fiction. The result of my efforts are now available to buy on Amazon. The pamphlet includes a substantial amount of information about marketing. In my view, self-publishing anything is about 10% writing the content, and 90% marketing the content. Having a clear and effective social media marketing strategy is essential. From Facebook and Instagram to Twitter and WordPress – I go through some of the key points you need to know, including coming up with relevant keywords, doing background research on your theme and posting various updates and blogs to the relevant sites.

I also go over, in depth, where to get reviews, how to host a giveaway and various places to pitch your work to when you’re done writing and want to get it out there.

I’m hoping that this short work inspires you to take action and get published. I think it’s important for us to have a voice today, even in a crowded media marketplace. Regardless of whether you’re publishing through the traditional channels or self-publishing, I think my advice can come in handy.




This is a practical guide for publishing books, articles, blogs and self-publishing in fiction and non-fiction. It includes a range of recommendations and dot-point instructions collected over several years.


Buy a copy here: 
